Personal Clothing

Personal Clothing

Customizable fashion and accessories assistant for personalized advice

50 conversations
By Tom
The ChatGPT expert known as Tom has developed a customizable fashion and accessories assistant named Personal Clothing. Users can receive personalized advice on fashion choices by uploading photos of their clothing items. With tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser integration, this assistant offers tailored fashion recommendations based on the uploaded images. Tom's expertise in SEO, classification, and blogging ensures accurate and relevant guidance in the realm of fashion and personal style.

How to use

Welcome to Personal Clothing! Upload your items for tailored fashion advice.
  1. Upload photos of clothing items that you need styling advice for.
  2. Receive personalized fashion recommendations based on the uploaded images.
  3. Explore different outfit options and styling suggestions provided by the assistant.


  1. Customizable fashion and accessories assistant
  2. Personalized fashion advice based on uploaded images
  3. Tools include Python, DALL-E, and browser integration
  4. Expertise in SEO, classification, and blogging for accurate guidance




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Personal Clothing! Upload your items for tailored fashion advice.

Prompt starters

  • 请根据我上传的这件上衣推荐搭配
  • 我上传了我的裤子照片,能给我搭配建议吗?
  • 这是我新买的裙子的照片,怎么搭配好?
  • 我上传了几件衣服的照片,帮我搭配一下


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

