Edit Enchanter

Edit Enchanter

I assist in manuscript refining, focusing on line editing and copyediting.

3 conversations
Edit Enchanter is an AI-powered tool developed by Hurt Porter focusing on manuscript refinement through line editing and copyediting. With a user-friendly interface, it enables users to enhance their writing by suggesting improvements, checking for grammatical errors, ensuring adherence to specific styles like APA, and enhancing clarity. Emphasizing on enhancing the quality of manuscripts, it is a valuable tool for writers, editors, and anyone looking to refine their written content for various purposes.

How to use

Hello! Ready to polish your manuscript?
  1. Open the Edit Enchanter tool.
  2. Input the text you want to refine.
  3. Select the type of editing you require, such as line editing or copyediting.
  4. Utilize the features to suggest improvements, check for errors, ensure style compliance, and enhance clarity.
  5. Review the refined text and make necessary adjustments.


  1. Manuscript refinement through line editing and copyediting
  2. User-friendly interface for easy editing experience
  3. Suggestions for sentence improvements
  4. Grammar error checking functionality
  5. Style adherence checks (e.g., APA style)
  6. Enhancement of paragraph clarity




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to polish your manuscript?

Prompt starters

  • Suggest improvements for this sentence.
  • Check this paragraph for grammatical errors.
  • Does this passage adhere to the APA style?
  • How can I make this paragraph clearer?


  • dalle
  • browser

