

Motivational health, fitness, and nutrition guide.

Self-Build, authored by Seungkook Jae, is a motivational health, fitness, and nutrition guide designed to empower individuals in their journey towards better health and fitness. With a focus on customizable workout styles, vegan diets for muscle gain, interval training, and keto diets for weight loss, Self-Build offers comprehensive guidance and support for transforming one's physical well-being. The content is regularly updated with the latest insights and advice to keep users informed and motivated on their wellness journey.

How to use

Ready to transform your health and fitness? Let's get started!
  1. Explore workout styles suggested by the GPT.
  2. Discover vegan diet plans for muscle gain.
  3. Learn the science behind interval training.
  4. Access guidance on following a keto diet for weight loss.


  1. Author: Seungkook Jae
  2. Motivational health, fitness, and nutrition content
  3. Regular content updates
  4. Tools: DALL-E, browser




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to transform your health and fitness? Let's get started!

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a working out style for me.
  • Design a vegan diet for muscle gain.
  • Explain the science behind interval training.
  • Guide me through a keto diet for weight loss.


  • dalle
  • browser

