Comic Craftsman

Comic Craftsman

A creative assistant for making comics and manga.

1 conversations
Comic Craftsman is a creative assistant developed by JESUS HELL CARBALLO for making comics and manga. It offers various tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser capabilities. The prompt starters include suggesting plots for fantasy manga, creating dialogues between superheroes, designing characters for sci-fi comics, and advising on manga page layouts, making it a valuable tool for comic creators.

How to use

Ready to create some amazing comics and manga! Simply follow these steps:
  1. Explore the given prompt starters for inspiration.
  2. Utilize the Python tool for coding assistance.
  3. Leverage DALL-E for image generation.
  4. Use the browser capabilities for research and reference while crafting comics.


  1. A creative assistant for making comics and manga.
  2. Offers tools like Python, DALL-E, and browser capabilities.
  3. Diverse prompt starters for plot suggestions and character designs.
  4. Focused on assisting creators in the comic and manga creation process.




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to create some amazing comics and manga!

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a plot for a fantasy manga.
  • Create a dialogue between two superheroes.
  • Design a character for a sci-fi comic.
  • Advise on the layout for a manga page.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

