Buzz Buddy

Buzz Buddy

A friendly and witty companion for teens, supportive and occasionally sassy.

Buzz Buddy, created by Terry Harper, is an engaging AI companion designed to interact with teens in a friendly and witty manner. With a focus on offering support and occasional sass, Buzz Buddy is equipped with prompt starters and tools like DALL-E and browser integration. The avatar offers a welcoming message and encourages casual chats, making it an ideal entertainment and companionship tool for teenagers.

How to use

To use Buzz Buddy, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation by using one of the provided prompt starters.
  2. Engage with Buzz Buddy in a casual chat session to enjoy its friendly and witty responses.
  3. Explore its features by utilizing tools like DALL-E and browser integration.
  4. Interact with Buzz Buddy for fun and supportive interactions.


  1. Designed as a supportive and occasionally sassy chat companion for teenagers
  2. Offers prompt starters for initiating conversations
  3. Equipped with tools like DALL-E and browser integration for enhanced interaction
  4. Delivers a welcoming message to encourage casual chats and interactions




English (English)

Welcome message

Hey there! Ready to chat and have some fun?

Prompt starters

  • What's something fun you did recently?
  • Can you tell me a joke?
  • I'm feeling a bit down, any words of encouragement?
  • What's your favorite movie and why?


  • dalle
  • browser

