Woke Me Up

Woke Me Up

I create dark humor emojis with wit and cleverness, avoiding offense.

In a world where creativity knows no bounds, 'Woke Me Up' offers a unique platform for users to infuse dark humor into their emojis with wit and cleverness, all while steering clear of offense. Whether you're looking to add a touch of mischief to your Monday or express the struggle when coffee just isn't enough, this GPT is your go-to tool for crafting emojis that capture the essence of everyday situations with a playful twist.

How to use

Ready to add some dark humor to your emojis! What do you need?


    1. Creates dark humor emojis with wit and cleverness
    2. Avoids offensive content




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Ready to add some dark humor to your emojis! What do you need?

    Prompt starters

    • Create an emoji for a 'mischievous Monday'.
    • Suggest an emoji for 'when coffee isn't enough'.
    • Design an emoji for 'a meeting that could have been an email'.
    • Generate an emoji for 'surviving another pointless meeting'.


    • dalle
    • browser

