Prompt Polisher

Prompt Polisher

Auto-transform your best prompts into advanced 'subject-aware' queries that know exactly what to ask and how to ask it. Use the following formula. _______________________________________________ Here is my original prompt for you to enhance: "insert original prompt here"

700 conversations
Prompt Polisher is a tool created by William Emtage that helps enhance prompts to generate advanced subject-aware queries. It utilizes a formula to transform prompts effectively, assisting users in refining their queries. By enabling users to input their prompts and receive enhanced outputs, Prompt Polisher facilitates the process of formulating precise and informative queries for various purposes.

How to use

Hello! How can I enhance your prompt today?
  1. Access the Prompt Polisher tool developed by William Emtage.
  2. Input your original prompt to be enhanced into the designated field.
  3. Utilize the provided formula to transform your prompt into a subject-aware query.
  4. Receive the enhanced output that refines your query effectively.


  1. Automated prompt enhancement through subject-aware query transformation
  2. Support for various prompt starters and query types
  3. Integration with Python, DALL-E, and browser tools for enhanced functionality




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! How can I enhance your prompt today?

Prompt starters

  • How does Prompt Polisher work?
  • What is a subject-aware query?
  • How do I get the best outputs?
  • Here is my original prompt: "Explain photosynthesis in biology?"


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

