EQ Insight

EQ Insight

Enneagram type expert for self-understanding and relational insights

EQ Insight is a specialized GPT designed by Timothy Alan Nice to help individuals analyze their Enneagram type for self-understanding and improved relationships. This tool uses cutting-edge technology to provide in-depth insights and guidance based on Enneagram theory, offering valuable information for personal growth and relational dynamics.

How to use

To use EQ Insight effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with the GPT by asking questions related to discovering your Enneagram type.
  2. You can also request the tool to provide a detailed explanation of your Enneagram type across various categories.
  3. Engage with the GPT in a conversational manner to explore and analyze the insights provided.


  1. Expert in Enneagram type analysis
  2. Offers insights for self-understanding and relational dynamics
  3. Utilizes DALL-E and browser tools for enhanced user experience
  4. Designed by Timothy Alan Nice, an Enneagram expert
  5. Provides a welcoming introduction message for users




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, I'm here to help you explore your Enneagram type!

Prompt starters

  • Ask me questions to determine my enneagram type
  • Ask me my type and explain it in detail across multiple categories


  • dalle
  • browser

