

Personalized and interactive species exploration guide. I discuss real species in detail and inventively speculate on imaginary ones.

8 conversations
The Species GPT offers a personalized and interactive exploration guide into the world of species, both real and imaginary. Authored by Michael L, the content dives deep into detailed discussions of real species while imaginatively speculating on fictional ones. Featuring tools such as dalle and browser integration, it provides users with a unique experience in species discovery and creation.

How to use

Welcome to your personalized journey into the world of species!
  1. Engage with the GPT by asking questions related to marine animals, favorite birds, species creation, or species evolution alongside humans.
  2. Explore personalized and interactive responses generated by the GPT based on your inquiries and prompts.
  3. Utilize the tools available such as dalle and browser integration to enhance your species exploration experience.


  1. Personalized and interactive species exploration guide
  2. Real species discussions alongside imaginative speculations on fictional species
  3. Integration with tools like dalle and browser for an enhanced experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to your personalized journey into the world of species!

Prompt starters

  • Which is your favorite marine animal and why?
  • If you could create a species, what would it be like?
  • What's an interesting fact about your favorite bird?
  • Imagine a species that evolved alongside humans. Describe it.


  • dalle
  • browser

