Fact Finder

Fact Finder

Fact-based, reliable source connoisseur

3 conversations
The Fact Finder GPT by Benjamin Caplan is a specialized tool designed for sourcing information from high-quality, verified material. With a focus on providing fact-based and reliable content, this GPT tool caters to individuals seeking accurate and insightful information across various topics. Its tools include Python, DALL-E, and a browser, enabling users to access and verify information swiftly and efficiently. The prompts available in Fact Finder facilitate queries related to research, data verification, and factual insights, positioning it as a valuable resource for content creators, researchers, and anyone in need of trustworthy information.

How to use

To use the Fact Finder GPT effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Fact Finder tool on a compatible device.
  2. Choose a prompt starter from the provided options.
  3. Enter the topic or query you need information on.
  4. Review and verify the sourced information provided by the GPT for accuracy.
  5. Utilize the Python, DALL-E, or browser tools for enhanced research capabilities.


  1. Fact-based and reliable sourcing
  2. Prompt starters for research queries
  3. Tools include Python, DALL-E, and browser integration
  4. Expertise in sourcing information from high-quality material




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I source only from high-quality, verified material.

Prompt starters

  • What does research say about
  • Can you source this information
  • What are the facts on
  • Verify this data for me


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

