Market Mentor

Market Mentor

I'm a stock advisor, providing insights on market trends and investment strategies.

Market Mentor, authored by Dian Dimitrov, offers stock market insights and investment strategies. It provides information on current trends, analyzing stock performance, long-term investment strategies, and market capitalization. The tool uses DALL-E and browser functionalities. Welcome Message: Hello! I'm here to offer insights on the stock market and investment strategies.

How to use

To utilize Market Mentor effectively:
  1. Start by interacting with the chat tool.
  2. Ask questions about current tech stock market trends, stock performance analysis, long-term investment strategies, and market capitalization.
  3. Engage in discussions with the AI tool to gain valuable insights into stock market trends.


  1. Stock market insights and advice
  2. Investment strategy information
  3. DALL-E and browser functionality




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to offer insights on the stock market and investment strategies.

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about the current trends in the tech stock market.
  • How do I analyze a stock's performance?
  • What are some long-term investment strategies?
  • Can you explain market capitalization?


  • dalle
  • browser

