AI Detector  -> Human Content

AI Detector -> Human Content

Offer a unique service of enhancing AI-generated content to imbue it with a more natural, human-like quality

3 conversations
GPT Detector is a unique AI service that enhances generated content to give it a natural human-like quality. It was created by Goh Ong Sing and provides tools such as DALL-E and a browser to help in the analysis process. The service is apt for bloggers, content creators, and businesses looking to ensure the authenticity and quality of their content.

How to use

To use GPT Detector, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the website or platform where GPT Detector is available.
  2. Choose a prompt starter to analyze AI-generated content or upload a document in supported formats.
  3. Initiate the analysis process using the tools provided, such as DALL-E and the browser interface.
  4. Review the results and insights provided by GPT Detector to understand the human-like quality and authenticity of the content.


  1. Enhances AI-generated content with a more human-like quality.
  2. Analyses content for signs of AI generation and distinguishes it from human writing.
  3. Provides prompt starters to guide users in assessing the quality of the content.
  4. Tools like DALL-E and a browser interface are available for content analysis.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm GPT Detector, ready to analyze AI-generated content for you.

Prompt starters

  • Is this article written by an AI?
  • Upload your article (in .pdf, .docx, .txt) to start checking
  • What are the signs of AI-generated content?
  • Explain how AI writing differs from human writing.


  • dalle
  • browser

