Replica pictures

Replica pictures

Input a photo and automatically reproduce 3 images with matching subject features, posture, clothing, and background changes.(输入一张照片,自动复刻3张主体特征匹配,姿态、服装、背景变化图像)

50 conversations
Image Generation
By Jun
The Replica Pictures GPT allows users to input a photo and automatically generate three new images with matching subject features, posture, clothing, and background changes. This innovative tool leverages Python, DALL-E, and a browser interface to produce visually appealing replicas effortlessly. With its user-friendly approach and advanced image generation capabilities, Replica Pictures is perfect for content creators, designers, and anyone looking to enhance their visual projects.

How to use

To utilize Replica Pictures effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Just upload the image using the tool's interface.
  2. Submit the image to initiate the image replication process.


  1. Automatic generation of three new images based on the input photo.
  2. Matching subject features, posture, clothing, and background changes.
  3. Integration with Python, DALL-E, and browser technologies for seamless replication.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Just upload the image and submit. Do not click me.
  • 直接上传图片并提交,不要点击这两个按钮。


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

