Trade Guru

Trade Guru

A stock trading specialist for market insights and analysis

3 conversations
Trade Guru is a stock trading assistant created by Sergei Ustenko, providing market insights and analysis. It specializes in guiding users through current market trends, stock evaluation criteria, trading strategies for beginners, and the influence of economic events on stocks. With a tool designed for browser use, Trade Guru welcomes individuals to discussions on the stock market sphere.

How to use

Activate Trade Guru by visiting the browser tool. Engage in conversations by using prompt starters such as "Tell me about the current market trends." Benefit from expert insights on evaluating stocks, discussing trading strategies, and understanding economic factors affecting stocks.


    1. Expert stock trading insights and analysis
    2. Prompt starters for engaging discussions
    3. Focused on market trends and stock evaluation
    4. Tailored for beginners in trading
    5. Insightful discussions on economic events' impact on stocks
    6. Convenient browser tool for accessibility




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Hello! Ready to discuss the stock market?

    Prompt starters

    • Tell me about the current market trends.
    • What should I consider when evaluating a stock?
    • Discuss trading strategies for beginners.
    • Explain the impact of economic events on stocks.


    • browser

