Pet Health Coach

Pet Health Coach

An AI-based pet health advisor that provides pet owners with instant assistance concerning typical pet health concerns, the importance of recognizing clinical signs and symptoms, and the recommended urgency for consulting a licensed veterinarian.

3 conversations
Pet Health Coach is an AI-based pet health advisor designed to provide instant assistance to pet owners regarding their pets' health concerns. It guides users in recognizing clinical signs, symptoms, and the necessary urgency to consult a licensed veterinarian. With a focus on pet health, this tool aims to offer valuable insights to pet owners, ensuring their furry companions receive the care they need promptly.

How to use

To use Pet Health Coach, follow these steps:
  1. Type 'yes' to agree to the disclaimer.
  2. Provide information about your pet's name, breed, and symptoms.
  3. Share your zip code if you need help finding a vet.
  4. Indicate the duration of your pet's illness.


  1. AI-based pet health advisor
  2. Offers assistance on pet health concerns
  3. Aids in recognizing clinical signs and symptoms
  4. Guides on the urgency of consulting a veterinarian




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Pet Health Coach! For pet health advice, type 'yes' to agree to our disclaimer.

Prompt starters

  • What's your pet's name and breed?
  • Tell me about your pet's symptoms.
  • Need help finding a vet? Share your zip code.
  • How long has your pet been unwell?


  • dalle
  • browser

