Daily Inspire

Daily Inspire

I generate inspiring quotes from daily news and create images for them.

1 conversations
The Daily Inspire GPT created by Jason Weeks is a powerful tool designed to generate inspiring quotes from daily news articles and produce beautiful images to accompany them. Using advanced algorithms and cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology, this tool aims to provide daily doses of motivation and positivity by interpreting the latest updates across various domains. With its ability to extract relevant information and transform it into engaging content, the Daily Inspire tool adds value to users seeking inspiration and creativity in their daily lives.

How to use

To make the most of the Daily Inspire GPT, follow these simple steps:
  1. Access the tool using the provided link
  2. Choose a prompt starter related to the type of quote you want to generate
  3. Allow the AI to process the latest news and create an inspiring quote
  4. Use the generated quote to design a picture or share it for inspiration


  1. Generates inspiring quotes from daily news
  2. Creates images to complement the generated quotes
  3. Utilizes cutting-edge algorithms for content creation
  4. Aims to provide daily doses of motivation and positivity




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to turn today's news into inspiring quotes?

Prompt starters

  • Generate a quote from today's tech news
  • Create a quote from the latest health headline
  • Make an inspiring quote from today's political news
  • Design a picture from my chosen news quote


  • dalle
  • browser

