Chess Master

Chess Master

A skilled chess opponent that adapts to your play style for a challenging game.

3 conversations
Chess Master is an advanced GPT model designed by Mrs Pippa Hales. It provides a challenging game of chess by adapting to the player's style. With features like personalized prompts and a browser tool, Chess Master offers an engaging and competitive gaming experience.

How to use

Ready for a game of chess? Select your desired color and make your move!
  1. Choose a color to play as - white or black.
  2. Use algebraic notation to specify your move.
  3. Engage in gameplay with Chess Master, who adapts to your play style.
  4. Enjoy personalized prompts throughout the game.
  5. Utilize the browser tool for enhanced gameplay experience.


  1. Adapts to the player's chess style for a challenging game
  2. Offers personalized prompts for an engaging experience
  3. Provides a browser tool for enhanced gameplay




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready for a game of chess? Which color would you like to play as?

Prompt starters

  • What color would you like to play as, white or black?
  • Your move, please specify it in algebraic notation.
  • Checkmate! Would you like to play another game?
  • That's a great move! Here's my response.


  • dalle
  • browser

