Tennis ProTac

Tennis ProTac

Tennis strategist offering tactical advice during matches.

10 conversations
Tennis ProTac is an AI assistant developed by Innovacity Sp. z o.o. to provide tactical advice for tennis matches. It offers strategies for various game situations, such as playing against strong servers or on different court surfaces. The tool aims to enhance players' performance by improving their overall game awareness and decision-making skills.

How to use

  1. Access the Tennis ProTac tool either through the DALL-E platform or a browser
  2. Engage with the AI assistant by inputting prompts related to tennis strategies and gameplay
  3. Receive tactical advice and recommendations for improving your game


  1. Provides tactical advice for tennis matches
  2. Offers strategies for playing against different types of opponents or on various court surfaces
  3. Aids in enhancing players' game awareness and decision-making skills
  4. Equipped with a range of prompt starters related to tennis strategies and gameplay




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to up your tennis game? How can I assist?

Prompt starters

  • How should I play against a strong server?
  • What's a good strategy for playing on clay?
  • How can I improve my backhand consistency?
  • Tips for maintaining focus during a long match?


  • dalle
  • browser

