Coaching Helper AI

Coaching Helper AI

AI Assistant for personalized sports training and coaching

A comprehensive and advanced AI assistant named Coaching Helper AI, developed by Hans Christian Botnen, is designed for personalized sports training and coaching. It offers various features and tools, such as python, dalle, and browser integration. The AI is equipped to create training schedules, suggest drills, provide tips for beginners, and help in tracking performance in sports like soccer, swimming, tennis, and track and field. With a welcoming message that sets the tone for assisting with sports training and coaching, this AI demonstrates a wide array of capabilities for athletes, coaches, and fitness enthusiasts looking to enhance their skills and performance.

How to use

Hello! I'm here to assist with sports training and coaching. How can I help?
  1. Ask for assistance in creating a weekly training schedule for a high school soccer team.
  2. Request suggestions for drills to improve endurance in swimmers.
  3. Seek tips for a beginner's tennis practice.
  4. Inquire about methods for tracking performance in track and field.


  1. Personalized sports training and coaching assistance
  2. Integration with python, dalle, and browser tools
  3. Creation of customized training schedules
  4. Suggestions for drills to enhance specific skills
  5. Tips for beginners in various sports
  6. Performance tracking guidance for athletes




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to assist with sports training and coaching. How can I help?

Prompt starters

  • Create a weekly training schedule for a high school soccer team.
  • Suggest drills to improve endurance in swimmers.
  • Offer tips for a beginner's tennis practice.
  • How to track performance in track and field?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

