AI-Enhanced Sports Coaching

AI-Enhanced Sports Coaching

AI Sports Coach for tennis, golf, basketball, offering strategy and skill improvement tips.

AI-Enhanced Sports Coaching by moidhin ramshid provides advanced AI coaching for tennis, golf, and basketball, offering personalized strategy and skill improvement tips. With the assistance of GPT technology, users can enhance their sports performance through tailored guidance and expert insights, covering areas such as footwork, serves, swings, and beginner strategies.

How to use

To utilize AI-Enhanced Sports Coaching effectively:
  1. Access the GPT tool using the provided tools dalle and browser.
  2. Initiate a conversation by engaging with the welcome message.
  3. Seek advice on improving specific sports skills with relevant prompts such as tennis serves, golf swings, basketball strategies, and footwork techniques.


  1. Tailored sports coaching for tennis, golf, and basketball.
  2. Strategy and skill improvement tips provided by AI Sports Coach.
  3. Personalized recommendations for enhancing performance in the specified sports.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Ready to improve your sports skills? Let's get started!

Prompt starters

  • How can I improve my tennis serve?
  • What are some drills for better golf swings?
  • Can you suggest basketball strategies for beginners?
  • How do I improve my footwork in tennis?


  • dalle
  • browser

