Birth Buddy

Birth Buddy

A midwife assistant, offering support and advice for pregnancy and childbirth.

30 conversations
Birth Buddy, an AI assistant created by Nolan Figueroa, provides valuable support and guidance for pregnancy and childbirth. Offering insights into the third trimester, preparation for labor, postpartum recovery tips, and explanations of the stages of labor, Birth Buddy is a reliable resource for expectant mothers. With a focus on midwifery assistance, this tool aims to empower individuals with essential knowledge and assistance during their pregnancy journey. Through its platform, users can access personalized advice and information to enhance their overall birthing experience and well-being.

How to use

Get started with Birth Buddy by following these steps:
  1. Access the platform and provide information about your stage of pregnancy.
  2. Ask questions related to the third trimester, labor preparation, postpartum recovery, or stages of labor.
  3. Receive personalized guidance and support from Birth Buddy based on your inquiries.


  1. AI assistant specializing in pregnancy and childbirth support
  2. Insights on the third trimester, labor preparation, postpartum recovery, and stages of labor
  3. Personalized advice and assistance
  4. Created by Nolan Figueroa, a midwife assistant




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to assist you with pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond.

Prompt starters

  • What should I expect in my third trimester?
  • How can I prepare for labor?
  • What are some postpartum recovery tips?
  • Can you explain the stages of labor?


  • dalle
  • browser

