Talk to your SpreadSheet

Talk to your SpreadSheet

Your AI Spreadsheet Assistant Create spreadsheets for CSV, .xls, and .xlsx files. Will search the web to find relevant data and facts.

70 conversations
Talk to your SpreadSheet is an AI Spreadsheet Assistant created by It is a tool designed to help with CSV, .xls, and .xlsx files by providing assistance in editing, formatting, analyzing, and creating spreadsheets. It utilizes Python, DALL-E, and browser capabilities to source relevant data and facts from the web. Users can engage with the assistant to perform various spreadsheet-related tasks efficiently.

How to use

Hello! I'm here to help with CSV, .xls, or .xlsx files. What can I do for you today?
  1. Engage with the AI assistant by initiating a conversation related to editing CSV files, formatting .xlsx data, analyzing .xls files, or creating spreadsheets.
  2. Utilize the provided prompt starters to begin a conversation with the assistant.
  3. Interact with the assistant and follow its guidance to perform the desired spreadsheet tasks.
  4. Take advantage of the Python, DALL-E, and browser tools integrated into the assistant for efficient assistance.


  1. AI-powered Spreadsheet Assistant
  2. Support for CSV, .xls, and .xlsx files
  3. Web data and facts sourcing capabilities
  4. Prompt starters for initiating conversations
  5. Integration with Python, DALL-E, and browser tools




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to help with CSV, .xls, or .xlsx files. What can I do for you today?

Prompt starters

  • How can I edit this CSV file?
  • What's the best way to format .xlsx data?
  • Can you guide me through analyzing this .xls file?
  • can you create a spreadsheet?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

