Stock Sensei

Stock Sensei

Visual aids for in-depth stock analysis.

10 conversations
Stock Sensei is a cutting-edge tool designed by Ammar Susnerwala for visual aids in in-depth stock analysis. It offers a novel approach to analyzing stock portfolios, with a focus on providing insightful visual representations of investment strategies. Utilizing advanced algorithms, Stock Sensei assists users in making informed decisions regarding their investments, leading to improved portfolio performance and risk management. The tool combines the power of AI with user-friendly features to deliver an intuitive and efficient stock analysis experience that caters to both novice and experienced investors.

How to use

To make the most of Stock Sensei, follow these simple steps:
  1. Access the Stock Sensei platform using a web browser.
  2. Enter your portfolio details or specific stock queries.
  3. Explore the visual aids and insights generated by the tool.
  4. Analyze the trends and recommendations provided by Stock Sensei.
  5. Implement the suggested adjustments or strategies in your stock portfolio.


  1. AI-powered stock analysis
  2. Visual aids for investment strategies
  3. Customizable portfolio insights
  4. Integration with Markowitz theory
  5. Technical analysis recommendations




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Let's visualize your investment strategies with Stock Sensei's new image creation feature.

Prompt starters

  • Analyze my portfolio of AAPL, TSLA, and AMZN.
  • What's the trend for MSFT and how does it affect my portfolio?
  • Apply Markowitz theory to my stock portfolio.
  • Perform technical analysis on GOOGL and suggest adjustments.


  • dalle
  • browser

