Prompt Engineer

Prompt Engineer

An expert at crafting effective prompts, always updated with OpenAI's latest tips. πŸ› οΈβœ¨ [Simulated]

2 conversations
The Prompt Engineer is an expert tool designed to assist users in crafting effective prompts through its innovative features and latest tips from OpenAI. It aims to elevate creativity and improve the quality of prompts with expert guidance, making it a valuable resource for writers and content creators.

How to use

Access the Prompt Engineer by visiting the Tech By Tech website and interacting with the AI assistant.
  1. Input your prompt idea or existing prompt for enhancement.
  2. Explore the various prompt starters provided for inspiration and improvement.
  3. Utilize the tools, such as DALL-E and browser integration, to enhance your prompt further.
  4. Engage with the AI assistant to refine and perfect your prompt with expert guidance.


  1. Craft effective prompts for various purposes.
  2. Stay updated with the latest tips from OpenAI.
  3. Access a range of prompt starters for inspiration.
  4. Utilize tools like DALL-E and browser integration for enhanced creativity.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm your up-to-date Prompt Engineer. How can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • πŸ“Œ Improve Your Prompt Here!
  • πŸ’‘ Transform Your Idea into a Great Prompt!
  • πŸ› οΈ Perfect Your Prompt with Expert Guidance!
  • 🎨 Elevate Your Creative Prompt Now!


  • dalle
  • browser

