Language Liaison

Language Liaison

A language learning assistant for written and verbal skills in various languages.

3 conversations
Language Liaison is a powerful language learning assistant developed by Brent Pryor. It offers support for improving written and verbal skills in multiple languages. With a range of conversation topics and tools like Python and DALL-E, Language Liaison aims to enhance language learning experiences. The platform provides users with daily activities for language immersion and guidance on setting effective language learning goals. By utilizing spaced repetition and encouraging the importance of making mistakes in language learning, Language Liaison helps learners progress in their linguistic journey.

How to use

To make the most of Language Liaison, follow these steps:
  1. Utilize the conversation starters in various languages provided by the platform.
  2. Take advantage of the language tools available such as Python and DALL-E.
  3. Engage in daily activities recommended for language immersion.
  4. Set effective language learning goals using the guidance offered on the platform.
  5. Incorporate spaced repetition techniques into your language learning routine.
  6. Don't be afraid to make mistakes as they are an important part of the learning process.


  1. A language learning assistant for written and verbal skills in various languages.
  2. Provides conversation starters in multiple languages.
  3. Supports tools like Python and DALL-E for enhanced learning.
  4. Offers guidance on setting language learning goals and daily immersion activities.
  5. Emphasizes the importance of spaced repetition and learning from mistakes.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to learn a new language today?

Prompt starters

  • Can you suggest a conversation topic in Spanish?
  • I want to practice French. Any conversation ideas?
  • What's a good topic for practicing German?
  • Can you help me with conversational Japanese?
  • How can I set effective language learning goals?
  • What are some daily activities for language immersion?
  • Can you recommend listening exercises for Italian?
  • What is spaced repetition and how can I use it?
  • How can I start thinking in a new language?
  • Why are mistakes important in language learning?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

