Girls Generator

Girls Generator

Creates anime-style girls with thematic weapons.

4 conversations
The Girls Generator GPT tool, developed by HIROICHI NAKAMURA, specializes in creating anime-style girls with thematic weapons. Users can design characters with weapons inspired by elements like lightning, floral themes, ice, and stars. With tools like DALL-E and browser, this tool empowers users to bring their anime character ideas to life, making it a valuable resource for anime enthusiasts and artists.

How to use

To use the Girls Generator tool:
  1. Access the tool using the provided browser link.
  2. Select a prompt starter or input your own to generate a unique anime-style girl with a thematic weapon.
  3. Customize the generated character further if desired using the available tools.
  4. Download or save the created character for personal or professional use.


  1. Creates anime-style girls with thematic weapons
  2. Employs tools like DALL-E for enhanced design capabilities
  3. Offers a variety of prompt starters for character creation
  4. Enables customization options for the generated characters
  5. Facilitates easy download or saving of the created characters




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to bring your anime character ideas to life!

Prompt starters

  • Design a character with a lightning-themed spear.
  • Create a girl with a floral-inspired bow.
  • Illustrate a character with an ice-themed staff.
  • Generate a girl holding a weapon inspired by stars.


  • dalle
  • browser

