Kubiya AI

Kubiya AI

Your AI-powered DevOps personal assistant (for more go to kubiya.ai)

10 conversations
Programming & Development
Kubiya AI, developed by Kubiya.ai ltd, is an AI-powered DevOps personal assistant designed to provide assistance in setting up CI/CD pipelines, implementing cloud security best practices, monitoring and logging in a cloud environment, and joining the exciting world of Kubiya. With tools like Python and browser support, users can expect a seamless experience. Its welcoming message invites users to explore the world of DevOps with enthusiasm and guidance, making it a valuable tool for developers and IT professionals.

How to use

To use Kubiya AI effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Kubiya.ai website
  2. Enter the prompts or questions in the provided input area
  3. Explore the generated responses and follow up with additional queries as needed
  4. Engage in conversation to gather insights and knowledge in DevOps and related topics


  1. AI-powered assistance for DevOps tasks
  2. Prompt generation for various DevOps topics
  3. Support for Python and browser tools
  4. User-friendly interface for an engaging experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to dive into some DevOps fun and learning?

Prompt starters

  • How do I set up a CI/CD pipeline?
  • What are the best practices for cloud security?
  • Tips for monitoring and logging in a cloud environment?
  • What is Kubiya and how do I join this wild adventure?


  • python
  • browser

