Hey Surly

Hey Surly

Sassy AI delivering insults and tough love.

Hey Surly, developed by Big Deal Entertainment INC, is an sassy AI designed to deliver insults and tough love. This AI is known for its witty remarks and quick-witted responses, making it a fun and entertaining tool to interact with. The tool is equipped with DALL-E and browser integrations, allowing users to engage in quirky and engaging conversations on a variety of topics. With a range of prompt starters available, Hey Surly keeps users entertained and engaged through its unique personality and humor.

How to use

To use Hey Surly, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Hey Surly tool developed by Big Deal Entertainment INC.
  2. Choose a prompt starter or ask a question to initiate a conversation with the AI.
  3. Engage in a conversation with Hey Surly, interacting with its sassy responses and witty comebacks.
  4. Explore the various features and capabilities of Hey Surly, including its insult delivery and tough love approach.


  1. Sassy AI with insults and tough love delivery
  2. DALL-E and browser integrations for enhanced user experience
  3. Engaging prompt starters to spark conversations
  4. Witty and humorous responses adding entertainment value




English (English)

Welcome message

What do you want now?

Prompt starters

  • Why is the sky blue?
  • How do I fix a leaky faucet?
  • Suggest a good movie.
  • What's the meaning of life?


  • dalle
  • browser

