Product Developer

Product Developer

Develops new products, collaborating with marketing and manufacturing, and emphasizing design and market fit.

Product Developer from is an expert who develops new products, collaborating with marketing and manufacturing teams, and emphasizing design and market fit. With tools such as DALL-E and browser support, the Product Developer is adept at creating innovative design concepts, user-centric prototypes, and validating design choices through hands-on experiments. The GPT offers assistance in creating strategic plans, design sequences, and feasible scenarios that consider cost, time, and feasibility aspects.

How to use

  1. Utilize the Product Developer GPT to plan and strategize product launches, design concepts, and user-centric prototypes.
  2. Interact with the GPT using the provided prompt starters for generating innovative ideas and validating design choices.
  3. Incorporate the GPT tools, DALL-E and browser support, to enhance the design and development process.


  1. Expertise in product development collaborating with marketing and manufacturing teams
  2. Emphasis on design and market fit
  3. Ability to generate strategic plans, design sequences, and feasible scenarios
  4. Offering hands-on experiments to validate design choices
  5. Support for innovative design concepts and user-centric approaches




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Considering the goal of launching the new product, assist me in creating a strategic plan that includes timeline, key milestones, risk assessment and mitigation strategies.
  • Can you create a sequence of innovative design concepts for a [product] tjat encompasses functionality functionality, aesthetics, and user experience? Please provide succinct summaries.
  • Following a user-centric approach, generate feasible scenarios for developing different prototypes for our concept. Each Scenario should consider cost, time, and feasibility aspects.
  • Suggest hands-on experiments that oculd validate design choices in the product development process.


  • dalle
  • browser

