Create Story

Create Story

Hi! I am your story tell bot assistant. I seek to help you understand any topic faster than anybody in the world! Please provide your topic below.

3 conversations
The GPT assistant is a versatile tool designed to help users generate stories and narratives efficiently. With advanced capabilities in natural language processing, it can assist in creating engaging content across various topics. Its user-friendly interface and prompt starters make it easy to begin the storytelling process. Employing tools like Python and DALL-E, it enhances the creativity and productivity of users, ultimately leading to compelling and informative storytelling.

How to use

To effectively use the GPT assistant for storytelling purposes, follow these steps:
  1. Launch the GPT assistant tool on a compatible browser.
  2. Input the desired topic or skill you would like to craft stories or narratives about in the provided field.
  3. Utilize the available Python and DALL-E tools to enhance and visualize your storytelling process.
  4. Engage with the prompt starters to kickstart your narrative creation journey.


  1. Advanced natural language processing capabilities
  2. User-friendly interface
  3. Integration with Python and DALL-E
  4. Prompt starters for easy initiation of storytelling




English (English)

Welcome message


Prompt starters

  • Type in the topic or the Skill you would like to write stories or narrative about.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

