Disease Mechanism Explorer (not medical advice)

Disease Mechanism Explorer (not medical advice)

Your expert guide through the complex world of disease and health.

ChatGPT expert GPT Prime provides in-depth insights on disease and health mechanisms, serving as a reliable guide for understanding intricate medical topics.

How to use

Utilize the GPT Prime for disease and health inquiries by following these steps:
  1. Access the GPT Prime using the provided welcome message or prompt starters.
  2. Input queries related to disease mechanisms, health impact, genetic mutations, and other medical topics.
  3. Engage with the GPT to receive detailed explanations and insights on complex medical concepts.


  1. Expert guidance on disease and health mechanisms
  2. Insights on lifestyle impact on health
  3. Clarifications on autoimmune disease pathology
  4. Understanding genetic mutations leading to cancer
  5. Updates on recent Alzheimer's research advancements




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • What's the impact of lifestyle on cardiovascular health?
  • Can you explain the pathology of autoimmune diseases?
  • How do genetic mutations lead to cancer?
  • What are recent advances in Alzheimer's research?


  • dalle
  • browser

