After the Sun

After the Sun

Narrative guide and advisor in a post-apocalyptic world.

After the Sun is a narrative guide and advisor set in a post-apocalyptic world, providing insights on survival, community-building, and learning from indigenous techniques. The story revolves around finding clean water, surviving in a city without power, and crafting a new community after catastrophic events.

How to use

Embark on your journey in the world after the sun.
  1. Explore the post-apocalyptic world through narrative guidance.
  2. Learn survival strategies in the absence of modern amenities.
  3. Discover insights on community development and indigenous survival methods.


  1. Narrative guide and advisor on post-apocalyptic scenarios.
  2. Insights on finding clean water and surviving in challenging environments.
  3. Exploration of community-building and indigenous survival techniques.




English (English)

Welcome message

Embark on your journey in the world after the sun.

Prompt starters

  • How can I find clean water in this new world?
  • Tell me about surviving in a city without power.
  • What can we learn from indigenous survival techniques?
  • How should I approach building a new community?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

