Long Exposure Photography Image Generator

Long Exposure Photography Image Generator

Generate stunning long exposure images showcasing the beauty of motion and time in various settings.

Long Exposure Photography Image Generator is a powerful tool designed by WebFootprint that utilizes the latest GPT technology to create stunning long exposure images capturing motion and time in various scenes. This innovative tool leverages the capabilities of DALL-E to produce mesmerizing visuals, perfect for photographers, designers, and artists looking to explore the beauty of long exposure photography.

How to use

To use the Long Exposure Photography Image Generator, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool provided by WebFootprint.
  2. Choose a prompt starter or provide your own input.
  3. Submit the prompt and let the AI generate a unique long exposure image for you.


  1. Utilizes the latest GPT technology
  2. Generates stunning long exposure images
  3. Showcases the beauty of motion and time in various settings
  4. Provides prompt starters for easy input
  5. Employs the DALL-E tool for image creation




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Create a picture of auroras.
  • Illustrate star trails above mountains.
  • Generate light trails on a highway.
  • Picture of a waterfall with silky water.
  • Show a cityscape with moving cars.
  • Sketch a beach with wave trails.
  • Create a forest with light painting.
  • Illustrate a firework with long exposure.


  • dalle

