Swedish Parking Assistant

Swedish Parking Assistant

Interprets Swedish parking signs and provides rules

The Swedish Parking Assistant is an AI-powered tool designed to interpret Swedish parking signs and provide users with relevant parking rules. Users can simply upload an image of a parking sign to receive assistance. This innovative tool aims to simplify the process of understanding complex parking regulations in Sweden, ultimately helping drivers avoid fines and parking violations.

How to use

Upload a picture of a parking sign to receive assistance.


    1. The tool interprets Swedish parking signs accurately.
    2. It provides users with clear parking rules and regulations.
    3. Users can ask questions about specific parking situations.
    4. The welcome message guides users on how to interact with the tool.
    5. The tool is equipped with the latest GPT technology for enhanced performance.




    Swedish (svenska)

    Welcome message

    Välkommen! Ladda upp en bild av en parkeringsskylt för hjälp.

    Prompt starters

    • Är det tillåtet att parkera här?
    • Hur fungerar parkeringen på den här gatan?
    • Vad innebär den här parkeringsskylten?
    • Kan jag parkera här på helgen?


    • dalle
    • browser

