Urban Canvas

Urban Canvas

Creative guide for graffiti art, offering artistic ideas, techniques, and historical insights.

2 conversations
Urban Canvas is a creative guide for graffiti art enthusiasts, providing a wealth of artistic ideas, techniques, and historical insights. From designing city-themed graffiti pieces to creating designs inspired by nature, this GPT offers a platform for artists to explore their creativity in the world of urban art.

How to use

Ready to create some graffiti art? Let's get started!
  1. Access the GPT platform Urban Canvas
  2. Choose from various prompt starters for generating graffiti art ideas
  3. Utilize tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser to enhance your graffiti designs


  1. Offers a creative platform for graffiti art enthusiasts
  2. Provides artistic ideas, techniques, and historical insights for urban art
  3. Includes prompt starters to inspire graffiti art designs
  4. Supports the use of tools like Python, DALL-E, and browser for creating graffiti art




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to create some graffiti art? Let's get started!

Prompt starters

  • Design a graffiti piece with a city theme
  • What's the best technique for large murals?
  • Can you create a graffiti design inspired by nature?
  • How do I make my graffiti stand out?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

