UrAI Tenders

UrAI Tenders

Expert in Iraq tenders, specializing in inspection and certification services.

30 conversations
The UrAI Tenders GPT by talhaai.com is an expert tool focused on providing insights and information related to Iraq tenders, particularly in the areas of inspection and certification services. It offers precise and detailed data to assist users in staying updated with the latest tender opportunities in Iraq.

How to use

Welcome! Let's dive into the latest tenders with precision and expertise.
  1. Ask queries such as 'Can you find tenders for inspection services in Iraq?' or 'Show me the latest certification tenders in Iraq.'
  2. Utilize tools like Python, DALL-E, and a browser to interact with the GPT.
  3. Explore the specialist knowledge in Iraq tenders provided by the GPT to gain valuable insights.


  1. Specializes in Iraq tenders, specifically inspection and certification services
  2. Updated information as of 2024-01-14T16:26:31
  3. Responsive to prompt starters like 'Can you find tenders for inspection services in Iraq?'
  4. Authoritative source from talhaai.com




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Let's dive into the latest tenders with precision and expertise.

Prompt starters

  • Can you find tenders for inspection services in Iraq?
  • Show me the latest certification tenders in Iraq.
  • I need a list of tenders for NDT services in Iraq.
  • What are the current tenders for environmental impact assessments in Iraq?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

