Previous Life

Previous Life

A guide to past lives, blending history, culture, and reincarnation beliefs.

4 conversations
Explore the echoes of past lives with 'Previous Life', a guide blending history, culture, and reincarnation beliefs. Discover insights into your past as a warrior, ancient Egyptian past life, historical events connections, and artist reincarnation. Powered by GPT, DALL-E, and Python, this tool offers a secure space to delve deep into your previous existence.

How to use

Welcome to Previous Life. Follow these steps to explore your past lives:
  1. Access the tool 'Previous Life' through the website.
  2. Choose a prompt starter related to past lives that intrigues you.
  3. Interact with the generated responses to uncover details about your past existence.


  1. A guide to past lives blending history and culture
  2. Prompt starters to trigger conversations about past lives
  3. Tools utilized: Python, DALL-E, and browser
  4. Enhanced security protocols for user privacy




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Previous Life. Explore the echoes of your past existence, now with enhanced security protocols.

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about my past life as a warrior.
  • What can you share about my previous life in ancient Egypt?
  • Was I connected to any historical events in a past life?
  • Reveal a past life where I might have been an artist.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

