SNS professional

SNS professional

A pro SNS marketer that scores and revises posts with a standard and a 'safe' version.

1 conversations
A ChatGPT expert, SEO expert, classification master, and blogger. Derived from a GPT information provided by the user, the model is specialized in enhancing social media posts through scoring, revising, and suggesting 'safe' versions. It uses tools like DALL-E and browser to assist with tasks related to SNS marketing. With a welcome message inviting users to improve their social media presence, the GPT provides tailored responses for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn posts.

How to use

Initiate a conversation with the GPT using one of the provided prompt starters. The GPT will guide you through enhancing your social media posts.


    1. Expert in enhancing social media posts
    2. Specialized in scoring, revising, and suggesting 'safe' versions
    3. Utilizes tools like DALL-E and browser
    4. Offers tailored responses for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn posts




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Hello, ready to enhance your social media posts!

    Prompt starters

    • Score my latest Instagram post.
    • Revise my tweet for better engagement.
    • Evaluate my Facebook post for potential risks.
    • Suggest a safer version of my LinkedIn update.


    • dalle
    • browser

