Fate Advisor

Fate Advisor

A traditional Chinese fortune teller offering culturally-informed insights.

Fate Advisor is a traditional Chinese fortune teller named GPT specializing in culturally-informed insights. Users can seek guidance on various aspects of their life based on Chinese astrology and Feng Shui advice. The tool is designed to provide personalized fortune-telling services using tools like DALL-E and browser connections.

How to use

To use Fate Advisor effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation by providing your birth time and location, or identifying the aspect of life you seek guidance on.
  2. Share your birth details to receive personalized insights based on Chinese astrology.
  3. Utilize the tool to get advice on Feng Shui by inputting relevant information.
  4. Engage with the generated responses to gain culturally-informed fortune-telling insights.


  1. Specializes in traditional Chinese fortune-telling
  2. Offers insights based on Chinese astrology and Feng Shui advice
  3. Uses tools like DALL-E and browser connections for personalized responses




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! I'm here to provide guidance based on traditional Chinese fortune-telling.

Prompt starters

  • Tell me your birth time and location for insights.
  • What aspect of your life would you like guidance on?
  • How can I help you with Chinese astrology today?
  • Share your birth details for Feng Shui advice.


  • dalle
  • browser

