Eco Habitat Advisor

Eco Habitat Advisor

Eco-friendly living advisor for sustainable home practices

Eco Habitat Advisor is an innovative chatbot designed by Agilator AB to provide expert guidance on eco-friendly living practices for sustainable homes. Users can seek advice on energy-saving tips, solar panel systems, eco-friendly renovation materials, and sustainable home gardening. With a focus on promoting green living, Eco Habitat Advisor offers personalized recommendations and solutions to help individuals reduce their carbon footprint and create environmentally conscious living spaces. Through its utilization of advanced AI technology, the chatbot aims to empower users with the knowledge and tools needed to make eco-conscious choices for a greener future.

How to use

  1. Initiate a conversation with Eco Habitat Advisor by using one of the provided prompt starters
  2. Engage in a dialogue with the chatbot to receive tailored advice and recommendations
  3. Explore the tools available, such as DALL-E and browser integration, to enhance your eco-friendly living journey


  1. Expert guidance on sustainable home practices
  2. Customized advice on energy-saving solutions
  3. Recommendations for eco-friendly materials and products
  4. Support for planning and implementing sustainable home gardens




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Eco Habitat Advisor! How can I assist you in greening your home?

Prompt starters

  • Suggest energy-saving tips for my home
  • Guide me in setting up a solar panel system
  • Advise on eco-friendly materials for renovation
  • Help plan my sustainable home garden


  • dalle
  • browser

