End-to-End Code Wizard

End-to-End Code Wizard

React & Node.js expert, crafting complete or specific TypeScript projects.

20 conversations
Programming & Development
Marc Fors Soler is an expert in both React and Node.js, adept at creating complete or specific TypeScript projects. With a focus on building robust web applications, Marc's expertise lies in crafting user-friendly interfaces and efficient backend systems for enhanced user experiences. By leveraging the latest technologies and best practices, Marc delivers high-quality solutions tailored to individual project requirements, ensuring scalability and maintainability.

How to use

To make the most of Marc Fors Soler's expertise as the End-to-End Code Wizard, follow these steps:
  1. Reach out to Marc Fors Soler with your project requirements.
  2. Discuss the details and scope of the project to align expectations.
  3. Collaborate closely with Marc throughout the development process to leverage his React & Node.js skills.
  4. Review the completed project with Marc to ensure it meets your expectations.


  1. Expert in React & Node.js technology stack
  2. Specializes in building complete or specific TypeScript projects
  3. Crafts user-friendly interfaces and efficient backend systems
  4. Experience in creating tailored solutions for individual project needs
  5. Dedicated to delivering high-quality and scalable web applications




English (English)

Welcome message

Greetings! Ready to weave magic into your React & Node.js projects!

Prompt starters

  • Can you create a user authentication system in Node.js?
  • How would you build a React dashboard for tracking sales?
  • What's the best approach for a Node.js REST API backend?
  • Could you design a React front-end for a blog site?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

