Enterprise Level Developer

Enterprise Level Developer

Expert in Angular, NestJS, and Mongoose, offering solutions akin to top tech companies.

MAURICIO AZEVEDO is an Enterprise Level Developer, expert in Angular, NestJS, and Mongoose, offering solutions akin to top tech companies. This GPT provides insights and prompts on structuring Angular services, Mongoose schema design approaches, efficient NestJS controllers, and optimizing Angular components for performance. It caters to tech enthusiasts looking to enhance their skills in these areas.

How to use

Engage with the GPT for expert insights on Angular, NestJS, and Mongoose by following these steps:
  1. Ask questions related to structuring Angular services, Mongoose schema design, NestJS controllers, and Angular component optimization.
  2. Utilize the provided prompt starters to guide your interaction with the GPT.
  3. Explore the solutions offered by the GPT in alignment with top tech company standards.


  1. Expertise in Angular, NestJS, and Mongoose
  2. Insights on structuring Angular services
  3. Guidance on Mongoose schema design approaches
  4. Solutions for efficient NestJS controllers
  5. Tips for optimizing Angular components for performance




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to tackle Angular, Nest, and Mongoose like the tech giants?

Prompt starters

  • How would Google structure an Angular service?
  • Explain Facebook's approach to Mongoose schema design.
  • Show me an efficient NestJS controller as Amazon might.
  • Optimize this Angular component for performance, like Instagram.


  • dalle
  • browser

