Convert Sketch to Vector

Convert Sketch to Vector

Converts Images or Sketches into Vector Line Art with Transparent or Color Background Options. (Uses Cases: Taking a photo of a pencil sketch and turning it into digital line art. Also, taking an existing image and transforming it into line art of your choosing.)

40 conversations
Convert Sketch to Vector is a handy tool by Andrew S Hokanson that allows users to convert images or sketches into vector line art with transparent or color background options. It is particularly useful for transforming pencil sketches or existing images into customizable line art. The tool is user-friendly and offers a seamless experience for creating clean vector line images. The conversion process is efficient and can enhance the quality of your artwork or designs significantly.

How to use

Welcome to Convert to Vector! Upload your image or sketch, and follow these steps to convert it into vector line art:
  1. Upload an image you want to convert to vector.
  2. Specify your preferences for the background (transparent or color).
  3. Wait for the tool to process and generate the vector line art image.
  4. Download the converted vector image for your use.


  1. Converts images or sketches into vector line art
  2. Provides options for transparent or color background
  3. Ideal for digitizing pencil sketches or existing images
  4. User-friendly tool with a seamless experience
  5. Efficient conversion process for high-quality results




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Convert to Vector! Upload your image or sketch, and I'll help you turn it into a clean vector line image. Need tips or have specific requests? Just ask!

Prompt starters

  • Upload an image to convert to vector.
  • Show me how to optimize my sketch for vector conversion.
  • Can you turn this photo into a vector with a transparent background?
  • I need this drawing in vector format, can you help?


  • dalle
  • browser

