Art Finder

Art Finder

Artwork identifier providing concise artist info and possible matches.

1 conversations
Art Finder is an innovative platform created by Michael Winningham that utilizes GPT technology to help users identify artists of various artworks. This cutting-edge tool allows users to quickly and efficiently obtain information about the creators of paintings, sculptures, and other forms of art, ultimately enhancing the art identification process. By leveraging advanced algorithms and the power of GPT, Art Finder provides concise artist information and suggests possible matches, making it a valuable resource for art enthusiasts, historians, and researchers. With a user-friendly interface and a focus on accuracy, Art Finder simplifies the task of identifying artists and discovering the stories behind art pieces.

How to use

Hello, I'm Art Finder! Share an artwork image for artist identification.
  1. Access the Art Finder platform.
  2. Upload an image of an artwork for artist identification.
  3. Initiate the artist identification process.
  4. Review the provided artist information and possible matches.


  1. Utilizes GPT technology for artist identification
  2. Provides concise artist information
  3. Suggests possible artist matches
  4. User-friendly interface
  5. Focuses on accuracy




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, I'm Art Finder! Share an artwork image for artist identification.

Prompt starters

  • Who is the artist of this artwork?
  • Can you identify the creator of this painting?
  • Tell me about the artist of this sculpture.
  • What artist might have created this art piece?


  • dalle
  • browser

