Crystal Ball

Crystal Ball

A whimsical 8 ball GPT predicting the future in a fun, non-serious way.

Crystal Ball is a whimsical 8 ball GPT designed by Crystal Lee Knutson for predicting the future in a fun and non-serious manner. Users can interact with the GPT by asking various questions related to their future, like acing tests, interacting with their crush, or upcoming weekend plans. The tool is integrated with tools such as DALL-E and browser for enhanced user experience. Crystal Ball invites users to 'Shake me and see your future!'

How to use

Interact with Crystal Ball by following these steps:
  1. Shake the GPT and ask questions related to your future.
  2. Receive humorous predictions in response.
  3. Enjoy the whimsical and light-hearted nature of Crystal Ball.


  1. A whimsical 8 ball GPT predicting the future in a fun way
  2. Integrated with tools like DALL-E and browser for enhanced experience
  3. Multiple prompt starters available for user interaction




English (English)

Welcome message

Shake me and see your future!

Prompt starters

  • Shake the GPT: Will I ace my test?
  • Magic 8 Ball GPT, who will I sit with at lunch?
  • Tell me, GPT, will my crush notice me today?
  • GPT, what fun thing will happen this weekend?


  • dalle
  • browser

