Cosmic Phenomena Record Keeper

Cosmic Phenomena Record Keeper

Expert on ETs, Interdimensionals, UFOs in Open-Sourced Files

3 conversations
Amber Boley, the expert on ETs, Interdimensionals, and UFOs in Open-Sourced Files, is a cosmic phenomena record keeper providing insights on various extraterrestrial encounters and government files. With expertise in Python, DALL-E, and browser tools, users can explore and learn about intriguing cosmic events. The GPT, with a welcome message tailored to UFO enthusiasts, offers prompt starters on topics like the Roswell Incident and credible UFO sightings, making it a valuable resource for those interested in extraterrestrial phenomena.

How to use

Start interacting with the GPT by asking questions related to UFOs and extraterrestrial phenomena. Explore prompts on notable incidents and government files to delve deeper into the world of cosmic phenomena.


    1. Expertise in ETs, Interdimensionals, and UFOs
    2. Insights on government files on extraterrestrials
    3. Welcome message tailored to UFO enthusiasts
    4. Prompt starters on various UFO-related topics
    5. Tools expertise in Python, DALL-E, and browser




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Hello, I'm your expert on extraterrestrial and UFO-related open-sourced files.

    Prompt starters

    • Tell me about the Roswell Incident.
    • Explain the Phoenix Lights UFO sighting.
    • Detail government files on extraterrestrials.
    • What are the most credible UFO sightings?


    • python
    • dalle
    • browser

