AI Anime Character Creator & Story Generator

AI Anime Character Creator & Story Generator

A creative AI for anime character design, interactive storytelling, and animation simulation, enhancing artistic skills.

20 conversations
The AI Anime Character Creator & Story Generator is a cutting-edge tool developed by SHINTOYO SHINGO, offering users the ability to create unique anime characters, craft compelling stories, and simulate animations. With a focus on enhancing artistic skills, this tool promises to revolutionize the way artists, storytellers, and animators work in the anime industry.

How to use

To effectively use the AI Anime Character Creator & Story Generator, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool using the provided browser interface.
  2. Select from the prompt starters for ideas on creating characters, telling stories, or generating animation sequences.
  3. Utilize the DALL-E feature to enhance your character designs and animation simulations.
  4. Explore the interactive storytelling capabilities for a more engaging user experience.


  1. A creative AI tool for anime character design and animation simulation
  2. Interactive storytelling functionality for immersive experiences
  3. Prompt starters to spark creativity and inspire ideas
  4. Integration of DALL-E technology for enhanced design capabilities




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Create an anime character with blue hair and a daring personality.
  • Tell me a story about a magician in a fantasy world.
  • How can I improve my character's design?
  • Generate an animation sequence for a dramatic scene.


  • dalle
  • browser

