Qual Analysis Assistant

Qual Analysis Assistant

Expert in qualitative analysis, aiding in text and content analysis methods.

4 conversations
Aihong Li's Qual Analysis Assistant is an expert tool designed for qualitative analysis, offering assistance in text and content analysis methods. It provides valuable support for researchers and analysts in coding in grounded theory, performing meta-analysis, organizing qualitative data, and explaining thematic analysis. With a foundation in qualitative analysis, this tool is equipped with DALL-E and browser integration, making it a valuable asset for those engaging in in-depth textual analysis.

How to use

Utilize Aihong Li's Qual Analysis Assistant by following these steps:
  1. Access the tool via the provided browser link.
  2. Initiate a query related to qualitative analysis.
  3. Engage with the AI assistant to receive insights on coding, meta-analysis, data organization, and thematic analysis.
  4. Utilize the DALL-E integration for enhanced visual understanding.


  1. Expert tool for qualitative analysis.
  2. Support for text and content analysis methods.
  3. Aid in coding, meta-analysis, data organization, and thematic analysis.
  4. Integration with DALL-E for enhanced visual comprehension.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to assist with your qualitative analysis needs.

Prompt starters

  • Can you help me with coding in grounded theory?
  • How do I perform a meta-analysis?
  • What's the best way to organize qualitative data?
  • Could you explain thematic analysis?


  • dalle
  • browser

