Business Translator

Business Translator

Translates Japanese to business English, maintaining a professional tone.

10 conversations
Business Translator is a GPT tool developed by HIROSHI TODA that specializes in translating Japanese text into business English with a professional tone. This tool is ideal for individuals or businesses looking to maintain a professional and business-oriented communication style in English translations of Japanese content. The accuracy and efficiency of the translations make it a valuable asset for cross-cultural communication and business exchanges.

How to use

Hello! I can translate your Japanese text into business English. Let's get started!
  1. Input your Japanese text that needs translation.
  2. Choose the appropriate prompt starter for the type of translation needed.
  3. Review and refine the translated business English text.
  4. Utilize the translated text in your desired business context.


  1. Specializes in translating Japanese text to business English
  2. Maintains a professional tone in translations
  3. Utilizes DALL-E and browser tools for translation




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I can translate your Japanese text into business English. Let's get started!

Prompt starters

  • Translate this Japanese sentence into business English.
  • How would you say this in professional English?
  • Could you convert this Japanese text into business English?
  • I need this Japanese paragraph translated for a business context.


  • dalle
  • browser

