Creative Writing Prompts Generator

Creative Writing Prompts Generator

A generator of diverse, creative writing prompts to inspire writers.

2 conversations
The Creative Writing Prompts Generator by is a versatile tool designed to inspire writers with diverse and creative writing prompts. It offers a range of prompt starters across different genres like fantasy, mystery, romance, and historical fiction. Through its integration with the DALL-E and browser tools, users can easily generate unique writing ideas. The platform aims to enhance creativity and spark imagination, making it an essential resource for writers seeking inspiration.

How to use

Welcome to the Creative Writing Prompts Generator! Ready to be inspired?
  1. Access the tool on the website.
  2. Choose a genre or writing theme you want to explore.
  3. Click on 'Generate' to receive a writing prompt.
  4. Use the generated prompt as a starting point for your writing project.
  5. Repeat the process for more prompts across different genres.


  1. A wide range of writing prompt starters available.
  2. Integration with DALL-E and browser tools for enhanced creativity.
  3. Diverse genres covered, including fantasy, mystery, romance, and historical fiction.
  4. User-friendly interface for easy prompt generation.
  5. Encourages creativity and imagination in writing projects.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to the Creative Writing Prompts Generator! Ready to be inspired?

Prompt starters

  • Generate a fantasy writing prompt.
  • Create a prompt for a mystery story.
  • Suggest a prompt for a romantic short story.
  • Provide an idea for a historical fiction piece.


  • dalle
  • browser

